In 1915 a man named Thomas Clayton changed the face of Padiham forever as he died and left a large portion of his money to be used to create a park. Public generosity was inspired by this charitable move and it is the community of Padiham who have helped to develop and maintain the park since this date. In 1921 the park first became a part of the lives of the residents of Padiham as it was officially opened as a memorial to the men and women who died in World War 1. Two memorials can be found in the park. One in the entrance and one within the park. Soon to follow were the bowling greens and tennis courts which were in place by 1924. The most exciting development of that time, however, must surely have been the bandstand which would have provided many an entertaining sunny Sunday afternoon from it’s conception in 1927. Padiham Memorial Park is not just a remnant of the past, however. It has continued to provide joy, relaxation and entertainment to the community for several decades. It also has an exciting future to come. The future of Padiham Memorial Park rests in the continued support of local residents, most actively the Friends of Memorial Park group which was formed in 1998 and meets every 2 months. The group welcome all new members. Details of upcoming meetings can be seen on the park notice boards. The Friends of Padiham Memorial Park organise events, discuss park issues and have recently developed a visitor centre at the upper site. The Friends of Padiham Memorial Park are not alone in their efforts to take us into the future. Council Officers, supported by Burnley Borough Council, are also working towards this and are currently creating a bid for support from the Parks for People Programme. The results of the competitive Stage I bid are due out soon and if successful Stage II of the bidding process is due in 2010. Burnley Council, aided by the Friends of Memorial Park Group, have also made a Heritage Lottery Fund bid. Padiham Memorial Park has played an important part in peoples lives for over 80 years. If you have any stories that you would like to share with us please email them in. We would love to hear from you. CONTACT US